Not for sale. Promotional image.
Hello. In my world, today is July 15, 2023 and I guess the year is half over. wow!
Sales on my website are temporarily paused while I travel to Asheville, NC for the annual Summer Fair of the Southern Highland Craft Guild and then a little personal travel to visit family. Archival work is available for browsing.
I expect to have my sales feature back up and running by mid-August.
Thank you for your flexibility and patience.
Scroll to the bottom of this page to sign up for my email list while you are here. I promise to send highly irregular emails and I am not interested in selling or passing on your addresses. I do hope to occasionally send an email letting you know what I am working on and where my work will be available. Sometimes I will be available with my work. I also offer occasional discounts exclusively to my mailing list only.
You are also welcome to follow me on Instagram and Facebook, where I also promise highly irregular posts updating you on my work and my progress. Links to my social media feeds can be found at the bottom of the page, below the opportunity to sign up for my email list.
Thank you again, best wishes, teresa hays